L’uso del pronome dimostrativo e del pronome personale nella ripresa anaforica in ceco e in italiano (ten, on vs questo, quello, lui)


  • Petra Macurová Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"



Parole chiave:

demonstrative pronoun, personal pronoun, anaphora, Czech, Italian


This article focuses on the anaphoric use of the demonstrative pronoun in Czech and in Italian. While the use of the Czech demonstrative ten is quite frequent and is perceived as neutral, the choice of the Italian demonstrative is influenced by various contextual factors. The purpose of this paper is to characterize the relevant factors that lead to the use of demonstrative pronouns questo and/or quello in Italian, and the possibility, or not, of replacing the personal pronoun by the demonstrative pronoun, either in Czech and in Italian. Attention is paid to the type of reference in which the omission of Czech demonstrative doesn’t seem to be possible. The research is based on Czech literary texts translated into Italian.




Come citare

Macurová, P. (2023). L’uso del pronome dimostrativo e del pronome personale nella ripresa anaforica in ceco e in italiano (ten, on vs questo, quello, lui). MediAzioni, 36(1), A119-A131. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1974-4382/16318