Il settore della traduzione oggi


  • Mirko Silvestrini Presidente Unilingue



Professional translation, Machine Translation, translation services, employability


The use of Machine Translation (MT) and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) in professional translation activities is not only changing how translators work, but also altering how projects are managed and the expectations they entail within translation supply chains. The challenges posed by MT and NMT imply an increasingly involved role for translators in both company strategies and the managerial aspects of translation. This contribution aims to present the new professional opportunities and challenges in the translation industry considering the evolution of artificial intelligence, which has made automatic translation more precise and efficient, but has also raised concerns about the employability of human translators. Given the heightened complexity due to technological development and globalization, there might be a need for increased industry regulation, involving the establishment of new certification programs and the adoption of best practices to ensure the high quality of produced translations.



How to Cite

Silvestrini, M. (2023). Il settore della traduzione oggi. MediAzioni, 39, A155-A170.