La représentation du français parlé dans les œuvres dramatiques de Xavier Durringer et Joël Pommerat : analyse de quelques traductions italiennes


  • Elisa Ravazzolo Università degli Studi di Trento



theatre, dramatic texts, French-Italian translation, Joël Pommerat, Xavier Durringer, represented spoken French, discourse markers, linguistic variation


In this contribution, we investigate the translation into Italian of some orality markers that characterize the plays of two contemporary French playwrights: Xavier Durringer and Joël Pommerat. Our study focuses in particular on the strategies used in the translation of some phonetic, morphosyntactic and interactional procedures typical of oral language, as well as on the difficulties encountered in the translation of some mimetic markers of spoken French, taking into account the specificity of the Italian linguistic system and the non-coincidence of the resources and uses related to the variational dimensions.



How to Cite

Ravazzolo, E. (2022). La représentation du français parlé dans les œuvres dramatiques de Xavier Durringer et Joël Pommerat : analyse de quelques traductions italiennes. MediAzioni, 35(1), A35-A56.